Serie Tv
C.S.I.-Fritto dorato e menta fresca
Con: George Eads , Paul Guilfoyle , Marg Helgenberger , Eric Szmanda , Robert David Hall , Jorja Fox , David Berman , William Petersen , Gary Dourdan , Wallace Langham , Laurence Fishburne
Langston e Nick vengono chiamati per indagare su quella che appare una rapina finita male in un Fast Food. Il manager del locale è stato trovato morto e due impiegati, un uomo e una donna, sono scomparsi. Le condizioni della scena del crimine, praticamente ricoperta di olio per friggere, rendono le rilevazioni particolarmente difficili. Il caso giunge a una svolta quando la squadra scopre il corpo dell'impiegato maschio in una tanica per l'olio. La femmina, invece, è viva e vegeta. Inoltre le indagini daranno un quadro del manager tutt'altro che encomiabile. Nel frattempo, Catherine e Brass seguono un caso di omicidio altrettanto bizzarro. Inizialmente parrebbe un banale uxoricidio. Ma la verità si rivelerà ben diversa. TRAMA ORIGINALE Langston and Nick are called to investigate what appears to be a robbery gone bad in a local Fast food restaurant after the manager is found dead and two other employees are missing. The evidence, being covered in cooking oil, is a task for forensics to decipher but after finding the missing male employee in an oil drum and the other female employee alive and well, the pieces fall into place. The manager turns out to be less than a gentleman when he tries to take advantage of the female employee he knows is an illegal alien. When the male employee walks in on this and tries to protect her, the manager kills him and the illegal employee runs out of fear of being blamed. In a twist of karma, the manager is accidentally killed after he slips and falls after dragging his victim outside. Catherine and Brass are called to an equally strange death that they initially believe the husband bound and murdered his wife and then find that he was setup and the wife had a bizarre means of committing suicide; death by toothpaste.

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C.S.I.-Fritto dorato e menta fresca va in onda il giorno 07-01-2025

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